March 18, 2022
6:00 pm Reception and Silent Auction
7:00 pm Program and Serving
Guadalupe Cultural Arts Theater
Music by George & Aaron Prado
Journey back in time with Somos Cultura y Más as we explore the origins of chocolate from the Theobroma tree and the magical cacao pods to the ceremonial beverage that was the drink of the gods. Together, let’s discover how the mythical source of today’s solid chocolate has evolved over several millennia as we enjoy the foods and drinks that bring us all so much joy.
This event supports the mission of Somos Cultura y Más
and the 2022 Día de los Niños Family Festival.
The Día de los Niños Family Festival will be held at Plaza Guadalupe on April 30. Multigenerational activities are planned so that families can share their heritage with their children. Research tells us that children who grow up knowing their family’s history and culture are more resilient during challenging times and find success in school and life. Your involvement helps us create Cultura Kits and events that facilitate family conversations and activities that strengthen family’s cultural bonds.
Sponsorship Levels
Mesa de Moctezuma - $5,000. - REGISTER HERE
Premium Seating for 8 guests
Exquisite culinary experience by True Flavors
Recognition at the event, branding on all print materials
Recognition on Somos Cultura y Más website
Branded Booth Activity at El Día del los Niños Family Festival (April 30)
Barista demonstration for Chocolate Martinis at your table
Liqueur for mixing Chocolate Martinis at your table
Mesa de los Nobles - $2,500. - REGISTER HERE
Preferred Seating for 8 guests
Exquisite culinary experience by True Flavors
Recognition at the event, branding on all print materials
Recognition on Somos Cultura y Más website
Branded Booth Activity at El Día del los Niños Family Festival (April 30)
Mesa de los Xocolateros - $1,250. - REGISTER HERE
Reserved Seating for 8 guests
Exquisite culinary experience by True Flavors
Recognition at the event and on Somos Cultura y Más website
Individual Tickets - $100. - REGISTER HERE
Open seating
Exquisite culinary experience by True Flavors
Donate HERE
Regretfully, I cannot attend; but please accept my tax-deductible contribution.
Auction items will be displayed soon.